Get SVG from Attributes
function svgFromNames(string[] calldata _attributeNames, uint16 _size, uint32 _orderID) external view returns (string memory)
Attributes, comma delimited, case-sensitive
Male 1, Pipe, Luxurious Beard, Earring
(eg. Male 1, Pipe, 3D Glasses)
Get SVG from Keys
function svgFromKeys(bytes32[] calldata _attributeKeys, uint16 _size, uint32 _orderID) external view returns (string memory)
Keys, comma delimited, lower-case
Get SVG from IDs
function svgFromIDs(uint256[] calldata _ids, uint16 _size, uint32 _orderID) external view returns (string memory)
IDs, comma delimited, lower-case
Get SVG from Punk ID
svgFromPunkID(uint256 _tokenID, uint16 _size, uint32 _orderID) external view returns (string memory)
A single CryptoPunk ID, 0 to 9999
Register a New PNG Image
This will register a new attribute on-chain.
Attribute Name:
(Tip: Use "Camel Case")
Male trait, 24x24 png:
Female trait, 24x24 png:
Layer Level:
0 - Base Face
1 - Mouth
2 - Cheeks
3 - Blemish
4 - Eyes
5 - Neck
6 - Beard
7 - Ears
8 - HeadTop1
9 - HeadTop2
10 - Eyewear
11 - MouthProp
12 - Nose
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